Luz y Vida Ministry

Lessons in Compassion

The theme for this past week’s VBS lesson was compassion.  In the midst of this, I was blessed with many lessons on compassion I would like to share. 

While taking photos of neighbors for a Super Friend skit, I came across a group of homeless people.  I was blessed to have some sandwiches with me from our morning ministry to the day laborers.  I offered some sandwiches to the group.  They gladly accepted and were very interested in my Super Friend costume.  I was invited to join their group and talk for a while.  I felt honored by their willingness to accept me and show me hospitality.  They didn’t ask me for anything, just some conversation.  I got to see photos of some of their children and we talked about the things they like  to do.  When I got around to explaining my Super Friend costume and that I was creating a photo slide show about compassion and neighbors from all different walks of life, one of the gentlemen responded: “You know we need more compassion in this world.”  As I looked into the eyes of each one in the group, I could see Jesus.  I pray that maybe they saw a little Jesus in me to.  I’m looking forward to another visit.


Compassion lesson number two also came in the form of a homeless person.  A homeless woman whom I often see around, and talk to on ocassion was at her usual place near a Starbucks.  I brought her some sandwiches too.  I found Jesus again.  You see, this woman who people pass everyday with little thought other than that she is the neighborhood homeless person, had just recently lost her husband of many years.  He had suffered a protracted illness and she spent as much time as she could with him until he died.  In order to be with him, she was forced to give away her beloved dog.  On some level it seems like an extravagance for a homeless person to have a dog.  But as we talked, I realized that the dog provided much needed companionship in this woman’s life.  I had never thought of this before.  Again I was in my SF costume which required explanation.  When I told her about my love for children, she shared with me her past experiences of running a children’s home on an Indian reservation.  She also told me about how she used to take in the children of women who were going through recovery so that they could get sober.  So interesting and beautiful.

Lesson number three occurred on Sunday afternoon.  We received a phone call in the morning from some of our Luz y Vida members.  There were people setting up for a party on the tennis court where we have been doing our Vacation Bible School.  Robert went over to see what was going on.  He learned that it was not a party that was being prepared for, but a wake.  A 23 year old man who was a resident of Rock Springs had died in a car accident.  He left behind an 18 month old and a child on the way.  His mother, grandmother and other extended family all live at Rock Springs.  So Robert and I asked ourselves what should we do?  Having VBS in another area of the neighborhood didn’t seem appropriate while so many were mourning.  So we decided on another course of action.  We brought an Igloo full of Jamaica for the family to enjoy.  Then the Luz y Vida family met in the club house.  We talked about compassion and how we might show the love of Jesus to this family.  We made beautiful crape paper flowers.  (Gina was particularly amazing at this.)  Then we prayed over the flowers and brought them to the family.  It was a quite gift, but it seemed very well received.  As I hugged the grieving mother and felt her pain and exhaustion I was so grateful for the opportunity to show her love.  There he was again, Jesus, teaching me about compassion.

crepe paper flower

I have been reading from Mother Teresa lately who talks about “doing little things with great love.”  Some sandwichs and paper flowers – little things.  I pray that they conveyed the love of Jesus.  I have been blessed.

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