Luz y Vida Ministry


Luz y Vida is a ministry of Light & Life Free Methodist Church.  ( The mission of Light & Life is to Love God, Love Each Other and to Love Others.  Luz y Vida was founded upon the idea that this mission should be taken out into other parts of our community, specifically the Latino community of Escondido.  We are currently conducting ministry at Rock Springs Condominiums West, 1051 Rock Springs Road, in Escondido, California.

Loving God – We desire to love God through worship, study and prayer.  Therefore, we will gather to worship on Sunday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and we will have Bible study meetings and times of prayer.  Please join us.

Loving Each Other– Loving each other occurrs within community, the sharing of our Christian walk with our fellow Christ followers.  We will be meeting in small home groups where we gather to share one anothers burdens and joys, pray for one another and be discipled in Christian growth.

Loving Others – We are called to minister to our fellow man.  We will therefor have a focus on caring for others through ministries such as AA, Homework Helpers, soup ministry and seminars on issues like immigration and workers rights.

Please join us as we endeavor to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community!